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- Miss. Julia Morgan: “Transcendent Beauty” ~ April 29th 10:30 Am. ~ 240 Leland Avenue ~ San Francisco CA.
- A Wine Country Heritage Home
- The Idea Train of Mid-Century Modernism
- SRJC. 2020 Historical Walking Tour- Session 2
- Wm. Mark Parry to speak at ASU during a Salute to Calvin C. Straub AIA- Sat. Feb 15th 2020
"the father of California post and beam architecture"
Allegra Burke
Armin Staprans
Artisan Architects
Artisan Architecure
Arts & Crafts
Arts and Crafts
Asian Architecture
Bill Graham
Calvin C. Straub
Calvin C. Straub faia; Marcus Whiffen
Chicago 1896
FLL Wright;Francisco Terrace
Frank Lloyed Wright
Green Brothers
Henry Green(1870 – 1954)
Joseph Eichler
Korbel Family
Landmark Properties
Larry Tristano
Lawrence Simons FAIA
Lisa Staprans
lost master pieces 1976
Mid-Century Modern
Miss Julia Morgan;AIA Gold Medal; Julia Morgan; Beauty in Architecture;Transcendent Beauty
prairie style
Preservation. Restoration
Prominent architects
Selling Architecure
Sonoma County
St. James Presbyterian Church; 240 Leland Avenue San Francisco CA.
Staprans Desgin
Wine Country Heritage Home